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Cuban Rejects cigars are handmade Nicaraguan cigars by Ventura Cigar Company. They come in mellow-medium to medium strengths with wrappers including Natural, Maduro, and Connecticut. Stock up on your choice for an even burn and rich flavor with each style of cigar. Their length ranges include 3 & 3/8 -inches to 7-inches. Find Cuban Rejects cigars at the lowest prices at Cigar Hub.
Cuban Rejects Churchill Natural Bundle: 7 x 48—Bundle - 20 Total Cigars
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Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Bundle: 5 x 50—Bundle - 20 Total Cigars
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Cuban Rejects Toro Natural Bundle: 6 x 50—Bundle - 20 Total Cigars
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Cuban Rejects Toro Gordo Natural Box : 6 x 54—Box - 50 Total Cigars
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Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Box: 5 x 50—Box - 50 Total Cigars
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Cuban Rejects Churchill Natural Box: 7 x 48—Box - 50 Total Cigars
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Cuban Rejects Toro Natural : 6 x 50—Box - 50 Total Cigars
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