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Nub cigars are handmade by the Oliva Cigar Company, and feature a rich taste for smokers who want to experience a range of mellow-medium to full strength cigars. The short structure of these cigars offers a well-balanced smoke made to mimic the part known as the “sweet spot” in regular-sized cigars. Cigar Hub has a wide selection of Nub cigars available, with low prices on every variety.
Nub Habano 464: 4 x 64—Box - 24 Total Cigars
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Nub Habano 460: 4 x 60—Box - 24 Total Cigars
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Nub Habano 358: 3 3/4 x 58—Box - 24 Total Cigars
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Nub Habano 466: 4 x 66—Box - 24 Total Cigars
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Nub Habano 460 Tubo: 4 x 60—Box - 12 Total Cigars
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