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A mellow expression from the masters at Southern Draw cigars, the Rose of Sharon introduces a subtle symphony of deep flavor the the company's celebrated portfolio of small batch cigars. Combining a golden brown Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper with a Nicaraguan binder and an elegant mix of fine filler tobaccos including Dominican Piloto Cubano and Nicaraguan seco and visas, the Rose of Sharon blooms with beautiful nuances and gentle notes of earth, cocoa, creamy peanut, and sugar cane over the course of its eventful slow burn. Softly box-pressed in the Cuban tradition at Tabacalera AJ Fernandez Cigars de Nicaragua S.A., the Rose of Sharon presents an near-effortless adventure in tasty relaxation. Experience it now at the lowest prices anywhere.
Southern Draw Desert Rose "Boss Lady" Gran Gorda - Limited Release: 9 x 48—Bundle - 10 Total Cigars
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