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Kristoff cigars are handmade using double and triple fermented tobaccos from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic, and these sticks pack some serious flavor. The core line of Kristoff Cigars is available in either a Nicaraguan Habano Criollo or Brazilian Maduro wrapper, and is available in several different sizes. They are filled with Cuban-seed Dominican and Honduran tobaccos, and boast notes of sweet almond and cocoa while the Maduro adds a distinct hint of natural licorice to the mix. Kristoff Ligero comes in either a Honduran Criollo or Brazilian Maduro wrapper, and is blended with Nicaraguan Ligero tobacco for a more powerful smoking experience. These cigars carry notes of cocoa, caramel, nuts, coffee, and spice for a particularly delicious smoke.
Kristoff Sumatra Robusto: 5 1/2 x 54—Box - 20 Total Cigars
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Kristoff Sumatra Churchill: 7 x 50—Box - 20 Total Cigars
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Kristoff Sumatra Matador: 6 1/2 x 56—Box - 20 Total Cigars
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Kristoff Sumatra Torpedo: 6 1/4 x 52—Box - 20 Total Cigars
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