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Building upon Montecristo's storied cigar legacy, the Platinum is handcrafted using a Mexican San Andres Cubano wrapper atop a carefully selected blend of vintage Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Peruvian tobaccos. These artfully-balanced super-premiums offer a rich and nuanced smoke with one-of-a-kind flavor, a flawless burn, and the unflinching commitment to high quality that you expect from Montecristo.
Montecristo Platinum Robusto: 5 x 50—Box - 27 Total Cigars
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Montecristo Platinum Churchill Tubos: 7 x 50—Box - 15 Total Cigars
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Montecristo Platinum #3: 5 1/2 x 44—Box - 27 Total Cigars
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Montecristo Platinum Rothchilde Tubos: 5 x 50—Box - 15 Total Cigars
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Montecristo Platinum Habana #2 Belicoso: 6 1/8 x 52—Box - 27 Total Cigars
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Montecristo Platinum Toro: 6 x 50—Box - 27 Total Cigars
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