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Montecristo cigars are handcrafted at the Tabacalera de Garcia factory under the supervision of master cigar-maker Jose Seijas in the Dominican Republic. Featuring Dominican-grown, Cuban-seed tobaccos under specially selected Connecticut shade wrappers, Montecristo cigars in the yellow box have become legendary for their ultra-smooth taste and sweet aroma, and are widely recognized as the world's most famous cigar.
Montecristo #1: 6 5/8 x 44—Box - 25 Total Cigars
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Montecristo #2 Torpedo: 6 x 50—Box - 25 Total Cigars
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Montecristo #3: 5 1/2 x 44—Box - 25 Total Cigars
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Montecristo Churchill: 7 x 48—Box - 25 Total Cigars
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Montecristo Double Corona: 6 1/4 x 50—Box - 25 Total Cigars
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Montecristo Robusto: 4 3/4 x 50—Box - 25 Total Cigars
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Montecristo Memories : 4 x 30—Tins: 30 Cigarillos
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