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Montecristo Espada Oscuro

Widely recognized as the world's most famous cigar, Montecristo cigars are handcrafted in the Dominican Republic at the Tabacalera de Garcia factory under the supervision of master cigar-maker, Jose Seijas. Montecristo cigars are known for their ultra-smooth taste and sweet aroma and offers the White, Espada, Monte, and Classic series. Look to their White and Classics for light- to medium-bodied cigars and the Espada and Monte for full-bodied cigars. They come in assorted wrapper types such as Habano, Oscuro, and Sumatra and vary in length, from 3 ⅝ inches to 7 inches. Cigar Hub offers Montecristo cigars at affordable prices and small to large packaging options.

Espada Oscuro by Montecristo Magnum Especial: 6 x 60—Box - 10 Total Cigars
No Stock   $193.60 *msrp  Login to see price
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