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Similar to other neighboring Central American countries, the exodus out of Cuba in the 1960’s brought some of the most well-renowned and skilled cigar-producing families to settle down in Honduras. The country’s excellent climate and fertile soil made it the perfect growing conditions for numerous tobacco varieties. The Honduran cigar industry flourished after the trade embargo on Cuban cigars. The country faced civil unrest during the 90’s followed by a hurricane, both of which had a detrimental effect on the cigar industry. Apart from these setbacks, Honduras remains one of the top cigar producers in the world. The Jamastran Valley, Talanga Valley, and Copan are the three primary tobacco growing regions in Honduras. Many cigars from Honduras are comparable in flavor and aroma to the highly sought after Cuban cigars. Cigar Hub has the best deals on discount Honduran cigars available. Honduran cigars are known for being bold, full-bodied smokes. They are often significantly stronger than their Dominican and Nicaraguan counterparts. Honduran-made cigars have a unique flavor and aroma that is second to none. The Honduran cigar industry is under constant threat from hurricanes, flooding, and other natural disasters; however, they are still some of the best smokes in the world. Cigar Hub is your source to Honduran cigars reviews and great prices on Honduran cigars. Some of the most popular Honduran cigars include Camacho cigars, CAO cigars, St. Luis Rey cigars, El Rey del Mundo cigars, Hoyo de Monterrey cigars, Punch cigars, Rocky Patel cigars, and Zino cigars. Find the best deals guaranteed on cheap Honduran cigars on Cigar Hub.

Honduran Nude Bundle #11: 6 5/8 x 54—Bundle - 20 Total Cigars
In Stock   $91.60 *msrp  Login to see price
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Honduran Nude Bundle #9: 7 1/2 x 50—Bundle - 20 Total Cigars
No Stock   $87.00 *msrp  Login to see price
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Honduran Nude Bundle #6: 6 7/8 x 48—Bundle - 20 Total Cigars
No Stock   $78.40 *msrp  Login to see price
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