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Graycliff is one of the finest cigars on the market, period. The man behind these stogies is master blender Avelino Lara, who created the original Cuban Cohiba brand, and it shows. Graycliff cigars are meticulously rolled in the Bahamas with only the best tobaccos from the farthest corners of the globe, including Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Greece, Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico, Nicaragua, and the Philippines, just to name a few. The result of this painstaking blend selection is nothing short of perfect, regardless of which one you choose. Graycliff Espresso is made with a beautiful Costa Rican maduro wrapper, Costa Rican binder, and fillers from Brazil, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua (including Graycliff’s organic farm in Central America), for a powerful yet smooth full-bodied smoke with notes of chocolate, coffee, wood, and a nice amount of ligero pepper that builds as you smoke.
Graycliff Espresso Piccolo: 4 1/2 x 46—Box - 24 Total Cigars
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Graycliff Espresso Salomon: 7 x 58—Box - 18 Total Cigars
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Graycliff Espresso Presidente: 7 x 48—Box - 24 Total Cigars
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Graycliff Espresso Toro: 6 x 54—Box - 24 Total Cigars
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Graycliff Espresso Pirate: 6 x 52—Box - 24 Total Cigars
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